Why Hypnosis Works to Help You Get Organized

Here is another testimonial I recently received from one of my clients back in Seattle:

I have been using hypnosis for years (since 2009) to help with anxiety and general confidence building. I’ve noticed that the more I do it, the better my life becomes. I became a certified hypnotherapist over a year ago so that I could create personalized hypnosis recordings to help my clients get organized and stay organized.
Here’s why hypnosis works to help you get organized
When your mind is relaxed, you are in a state of heightened suggestibility. This allows you to bypass the critical and analytical part of your mind that would normally “object” to doing things differently. When your mind is relaxed, you can access your subconscious so that you can make the lasting changes you’ve been wanting to make. You are always in control! Hypnosis can help you overcome procrastination by reframing subconscious beliefs that have lead to procrastination in the first place. It can help reduce overwhelm by helping create a sense of calm and clarity, so you can tackle your organizing projects step-by-step rather than getting paralyzed by the enormity of the task. Another big thing it can help your mind sort out emotional attachments, so you can have clarity on what’s still really important, and what you can let go of. Hypnosis can help build motivation and focus. It can also help change habits that lead to disorganization (such as impulse buying, clutter accumulation, a lack of a cleaning routine etc). Best of all- it can help boost your own confidence so you have an easier time making decisions and automatically feel driven to keeping up your environment.
It’s understandable to feel apprehensive
I know that can sound scary to people- to give up control or to let someone else “into your mind”. However- you are fully in control. Hypnosis can’t make you say or do anything against your will. It’s just a heightened state of relaxation and focus- it’s NOT mind control. I can only help connect with your own inner thoughts and intentions. You can choose to accept or reject suggestions at any time. You can wake up at any time. Hypnosis is supported by research and is widely used to help with issues like stress, pain, and habits. As a trained and ethical hypnotist, I will always prioritize your well-being and respect your boundaries.
Hypnosis and Religion
This feels important for me to address, especially since moving to Carlsbad, NM. I have lived in the Washington, DC area, Philadelphia, PA, Providence, RI, Sonoma, CA, Seattle, WA, and even spent a considerable amount of time in the Charleston, SC area. What I have noticed is that the people I’ve met in Carlsbad are far more open about their faith and religion here. Secular group activities are lead with a prayer. People openly praise the Lord. I see it on t-shirts at the gym, tattoos, in the cute clothing boutiques, on jewelry, and on artwork at the art gallery I belong to. New friends I meet tell me they wake up early so they can study the bible and have time with God. I am surrounded by hard-working, heart-centered, lovely people, who do a lot of community service projects, and who are deeply faithful. I find it very charming and inspiring. I really love it!
Personally, I am also deeply spiritual and have personal religious principles that help guide my life. I respect that everyone has their own unique beliefs. Before crafting your personalized hypnosis session, we can talk about spiritual language and personal values that might resonate or not resonate with you. You do not need to be religious or spiritual to use hypnosis, but if you are, it can help strengthen your beliefs. Hypnosis can work a lot like prayer to help connect you with a feeling of hope, quieting the mind, reducing stress, and feeling peaceful. It does not require you to believe anything that is outside your faith. Just as many religious people use medical treatments to heal the body, hypnosis can help address mental and emotional challenges. It helps you access your inner resources and use your God-given ability to focus and heal. It can complement your own spiritual practices by helping to promote inner peace and clarity.
I have found hypnosis to be the easiest and most effective way to get the results I’ve been wanting. I love it! If you want to use hypnosis to help you get organized and stay organized, contact me today!
Posted By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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