Feng Shui Your Space To Call In Love

If you’re single and looking for a partner, did you know that the way you organize your home can have profound effects on your ability to attract a partner? Your environment not only speaks volumes to your subconscious about your mindset and what you think you’re worthy of, but your space is a reflection of your inner world. If you don’t truly believe you’re worthy of love, this will get reflected in your space, and you will subconsciously block Mr. or Mrs. Right from coming into your life. Are you ready to call in a wonderful partner? Read this post for unique tips on how to adjust the energy of your home to call in the one.
Clear Old Baggage From Past Relationships
When I was younger, I met an older woman who said that when she was younger, she had heard if she let go of all the memorabilia from past relationships, she would find the man of her dreams. Sure enough, she did it, and met her wonderful husband. I implemented her theory, and it worked for me too! If you’ve got photos, love letters, sentimental gifts, or even personal belongings from any of your past relationships strewn about your home, I recommend collecting them all in one place. Don’t force yourself to get rid of them, but if you feel inspired to let them go, now is the time! If you’re not ready to let go of them just yet, isolate them all into one box, and clearly label the contents. I know divorced parents who want to keep family photos together for their kids, so if you want to keep them, that is fine, but isolate them together. Put this box in a place where you won’t totally forget about it, but where it’s not interfering with your day to day life. If you’re really serious about finding a partner, set a reminder for yourself to revisit this box in a month or two.
Declutter Your Digital Life As Well
I know people who co-parent, and need to keep phone numbers from exes. I also know people who break up and remain friends (with neither person ever wanting it to be anything more than friends). I think it’s fine to keep those phone numbers (or even social media connections), but for the majority of your exes, those phone numbers need to get blocked and deleted. It might sound harsh, but you broke up for a reason. Don’t let those relationships creep back in to your life. Delete old emails and digital photos as well.
Let Go of the Past
If you’ve got other things in your home that remind you negatively of old relationships (such as decor, furniture, or bedsheets), this is a great time to declutter and replace those items. Give them away with gratitude, and allow for new things to come your way. If you don’t have the money for new things, or you don’t want to get rid of perfectly good items, get creative with giving them new life. Maybe you want to re-arrange the décor, re-finish some furniture, or even switch some rooms around. Or you might want to do a ceremony where you use incense to cleanse the objects or the space, or you could even pray to have these items energetically cleared from bad memories. I have a quilt that accidentally got left behind when I broke up with someone. When I got it back, I aired it out really well outside near the ocean, and once I was done, it felt good as new. Was that all in my head? It very well could have been, but going through the process made me feel better about it.
Make Some Space
Is there enough room in your living room for your future-partner to sit and be comfortable? Is there room at the kitchen table? Is there room on the bed? How about an empty drawer where they can leave some of their stuff? Any room in the closet? Or some space in the bathroom for a spare toothbrush? If your bed is pushed up against the wall, if you can, push it away from the wall and add a second nightstand. All of these things matter BIG TIME!! If you don’t do them, you will be blocking that special someone from coming into your life. Clear some clutter and create the physical space for someone else in your home.
Choose Decor Wisely
Instead of having paintings or décor that show one person or one thing, look for imagery that depicts love. Instead of having a single vase with one flower in it, put two flowers in it. Put pairs of objects together whenever possible (like two candles). Use colors that represent love to you (pink and red are traditionally associated with love). You may not want to be as literal as using heart shaped objects or words that say “Love”, but if you’re open to it, go for it! Crystals like rose quartz are also good for attracting love. Roses and rose essential oil are also fabulous for attracting love. Research other symbols of love and see what resonates with you.
Enhance the Relationship Corner
The widely used Feng Shui Bagua map puts the relationships section of your home to be the back-right corner from when you stand at the main entrance and look inward. You can also apply this map to each room. Other Feng Shui methods have completely different ways of determining where the relationships section is. So you really don’t have to be too literal about it. But if you’re wanting to manifest a relationship, devote a section of your home towards your desires. Clear clutter, keep it clean, and decorate it for love!
Connect Your Head and Heart While Doing Things You Love
This can be done many different ways, but it’s important to follow your joy. Do the things you love doing. Follow your passions. Spend time with people who make you feel loved, adored, and cherished. Don’t know anyone like that? Get out there and meet some new people. Join a club, take a class, or start a new hobby. Get creative. Make art, play an instrument, sing, dance… do what fulfills your soul. Doing these things will help you connect your heart and mind. When meditating, choose to hold crystals that help you feel more connected to love.
Shift Your Mindset
The more often you can get your brain to believe good things about yourself, the more good things you will see. The more often you let your brain spiral with rumination or go wildly down a negative thinking rabbit hole, you are letting those neural pathways get stronger and harder to reset. As soon as you catch yourself thinking anything that resembles how unlovable you are, or negative comparisons to other people, just ask yourself “what if?”, Interrupt that thought as quickly as you can. If you can add “what if everything works out ok?” (or something even more positive), that’s even better. It gives your brain a break from the negative spiral, and lets it get curious. When your mind is curious, it starts looking for solutions. Being aware of your thoughts is called meta-cognition. Being able to interrupt your thoughts is called cognitive reframing. This helps you shift your perspective and will train your brain to build healthier, more positive neural pathways.
I am also a fan of using hypnosis to train your subconscious to be open and receptive to love! I have several practitioners who I can refer who are extremely skilled at helping people find love.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m wishing you all the very best on finding love. Let me know if you want my help!
Posted By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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