What sets you apart from other organizers?

I am a Certified Professional Organizer through the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO). There are only a handful of organizers in our area who are certified. The certification process is rigorous. It includes completing 1,500 hours of paid organizing experience, and completing a 125 question exam. To keep my certification in good standing, I complete 45 hours of CEU credits every 3 years. In addition to that, I have a Masters of Fine Art in Glass from Rhode Island School of Design and a Bachelors of Fine Art in Crafts from University of the Arts (formerly Philadelphia College of Art). My art website is jeanprominski.com.  I have health coaching certifications from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and the Health Coach Institute. I am a Reiki Master for Usui and Karuna Reiki.

What areas do you serve:

I work with clients in the Carlsbad, NM area, and I can work with clients all over the world virtually. I may be able to be convinced to go farther if horses are involved!

Do you work with people with ADHD?

Yes! Since I have ADHD myself, I especially love working with other people with ADHD. One of the hallmarks of having ADHD is being disorganized, but lucky for me, since I have a strong interest in organizing, I’m able to do it well. Sure, not everything has come completely naturally for me, but many things have. I have had to learn a lot of out-of-the-box tricks for staying organized (that aren’t in books!). I have seen a lot of people (including myself) with ADHD let their self-esteem get diminished from books and people who just tell them to “try harder”. For people with ADHD, we don’t need to “try harder”, we just need to “try differently”.

What kinds of things do you help people organize?

This list is endless! The most common things to organize are paperwork/mail, home offices, kitchens, closets, garages, basements, playrooms, photos, and digital files. I also love helping people organize their art studios, tools, and hobby spaces. And my favorite thing to organize are horse barns and stable supplies. I rode horses for many years, so I just love being in that atmosphere.

I’m interested in working with you. What is the first step?

The way my process works, I have a Zoom consultation with all prospective clients once they’ve filled out the intake form. Please fill out this form (short answers are fine) and I’ll respond back with a few dates/times for a consultation. All projects start with either a 15 minute or 1 hour virtual consultation. If you’re interested in scheduling an in-person session, we can do that once we have our initial consultation. Once we’ve done the consultation, some clients choose to work with me virtually or in-person (or a mixture of both). Virtual sessions are 1 hour, in-person sessions are 3 hours.

What is your in-home process like?

When I come to your home, I will bring basic supplies such as trash bags, Ziplock bags, labeling materials etc. We will work collaboratively to assess which areas to focus on first. I will help you sort, declutter, decide where in your home to put things, decide how to store things (bins, shelves, drawers etc), containerize, and then come up with a maintenance plan. In-home sessions are for 3 hours.

What is your virtual process like?

Virtual sessions happen over Zoom, either on your phone, tablet, or laptop so that you can be mobile. During a virtual session, I like to get a tour of the spaces you want help organizing. Once we make a decision as to where to start, we will make a game plan of what needs to happen first. We will strategize what needs to happen to make sure you can execute the organizing project. If there is time, we can start doing organizing while on the call. Usually clients have questions about how to organize things (like paper) or how to get rid of certain things (like Styrofoam or batteries). For reoccurring sessions, we will talk about the progress that has been made, and will troubleshoot any struggles. Virtual sessions are 1 hour.

What is your energetic space clearing process like?

I have spent years honing my skills to be able to do energetic space clearing. This process is very different from in-home organizing work. I use Reiki energy, crystals, a particular type of incense, and my spirit guides and non-physical helpers to assist to cleanse any low vibration energy in your home, and to bring in high vibration energy.

What bins do I need to buy?

Unless your heart is telling you that you know you’ll need a certain sized bin, it’s best to wait. Picking out bins comes later in the process. It’s best to just make do with what you have, and buy the correct bins when we’re ready. We will first need to sort through what you have, and organize it in a way where we can see what will be the best sized bin for the job.

How long will it take, and how much will it cost?

I have had clients that make great strides with only a 15 minute consultation, and others that need ongoing in-home appointments. Each client moves at a different pace. Some are able to clear out a whole room in only 3 hours, and others prefer to take their time as they make decisions more methodically. The process can be emotionally challenging for some. Most clients need multiple sessions, but some only need one session. The frequency is dependent on what your needs are and how our schedules align. You can view my pricing information here.

I’m nervous to have a professional organizer come to my house! Will you judge me?

Many of my clients have had well-meaning friends and family members come to their house to help them, but due to the nature of the relationship, there can be a lot of tension, shame, guilt, and power struggles. As a professional organizer, I am here to help you, and I love helping my clients! I’m here to empathize, problem solve, and to help you meet your goals. I will never make you get rid of anything. Your belongings are personal, and I will respect your choices. I promise not to judge you!

What is your cancellation policy?

If you need to reschedule or cancel within 48 hours of the appointment, you will be charged for the session. However, if you are sick, you will not be charged the cancellation fee.