ADHD and Spring Fever

Many neurotypical folks also experience spring fever, but for those of us with ADHD, it’s even harder to stay on task. Feelings of anxiety, stress, frustration, impulsivity, difficulty focusing, brain fog, and restlessness are heightened for people with ADHD because of how our brains are wired. Are brains put us at a disadvantage for doing important things like regulating emotions, focusing, and regulating inhibitions. This is why so many people with ADHD have trouble getting and staying organized. We are at an advantage when it comes to hyper-focusing on tasks we’re interested in, brainstorming, having a strong intuition, creativity, and innovation. When it comes to getting things done in our modern world, people with ADHD don’t need to try harder, we need to try differently. In this post, I’ll share my personal techniques to manage my ADHD through the Springtime.
About “Trying Differently”
Instead of relying on willpower to start tasks like neurotypicals can do, people with ADHD often find better success with creating external accountability (body doubling, deadlines with rewards, or gamifying tasks), depending on your accountability style. Rather than just relying on the clock, ADHD’rs use alarms, visual timers, or time-blocking on a calendar to visualize available time. Instead of using traditional organizing systems that require lots of steps or memorization, people with ADHD often have better success with open storage, clear bins, visual reminders, and labels to make it easier to put things away than leave them out. Rather than sitting down and “forcing” yourself to focus, people with ADHD can often achieve better focus by moving around, using a standing desk, taking movement breaks, doodling, or using fidget toys. However, with all that said, ADHD is very unique for everyone (which makes it extra hard to diagnose), and what works for someone may not work for someone else. Outside accountability, open storage, and moving to focus may actually make it harder to get things done. I’m an internal processor who enjoys silence and privacy, so for me to be able to focus, I need to be alone in silence. Some people with ADHD have an easier time focusing at a busy coffee shop with music and lots of stimulation. So if an “ADHD friendly tip” doesn’t work for you, that doesn’t mean you don’t have ADHD. It just means you need to try differently.
Here’s How I Do It
Mental/ Emotional Tips
Due to the part of the brain that is affected by ADHD, I’ve learned that many people with ADHD have a harder time regulating emotions. When emotions are improperly regulated, it can lead to major distractions, self-esteem issues, self-sabotage, and bad procrastination.
- Conscientious emotional regulation. I can be hard on myself when I think I’m taking twice as long on things as my neurotypical peers. Some of it is probably true (getting sidetracked, getting hyper-focused, or trying to do too many things at once and inefficiently multitasking). A lot of it is my inner voice exaggerating about all the things I “should” be doing better. I have learned that one of the best things I can do for my ADHD is to quiet my inner voice by interrupting it and reframing the thoughts. However, when I’m sleep deprived and fueled on junk food, it’s almost impossible to do! So in addition to being conscious of my thoughts and gently redirecting them when necessary, I need to have a few other things in place.
- Energetic practices to protect my energy, especially as an introvert. I use a variety of energetic boundary techniques and other spiritual practices (including prayer) to help me stay centered and aware of my energy expenditures. I’m certainly not an expert, but I’ve come a long way!
- Hypnosis to squash limiting beliefs. The feeling of not being good enough is at the root of most clutter, organization, time management, focus, motivation, and procrastination problems. I use hypnosis on a regular basis to help me overcome challenges life throws at me. It’s the most efficient way I’ve found to cut out any mental chatter or subconscious blocks that are keeping me from my goals.
- I try to be intentional about what I eat. I’m not incredibly ridged all the time, but as a highly sensitive person with ADHD, I can’t go around eating sugary carbs all day. My brain just will not function properly. I will get very moody, easily fatigued, anxiety, and my energy level will go from being totally fine to zilch in a very short period of time. If I choose to indulge in something, I do it at a time where my day won’t get hijacked. I’ll still have to pay the price a few hours later (and the next day), so I try not to make a habit of it.
- Supplements for brain and mood health. There are certain supplements that I take such as L-Theanine, magnesium, fish oil, B vitamins, vitamin D, and adrenal support that help me a ton. I notice a major difference when I’m not taking them. Work with a naturopath or functional medicine doctor to help you figure out the right supplements for you.
- I have live-in personal trainers (my dogs). Movement is very important for everyone, especially for people with ADHD. Physical activity stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin—chemicals that are often imbalanced in individuals with ADHD. These neurotransmitters play a key role in mood, attention, and impulse control.
Practical Tips
- I dress in layers. I know many people with ADHD also have sensory issues with clothes like I do. We can’t deal with scratchy tags, itchy wool, or clothes that are uncomfortable. They may also have trouble regulating their temperature and will get incredibly distracted if they are too hot or too cold. I have also learned that my day goes much smoother when I have the correct type of pockets (especially back pockets!). It’s taken me a while to dial in the clothes that work best for me, so if you’re still trying to figure it out, take note of little frustrations you experience with your clothing and don’t try and trivialize or ignore these little annoyances. The right clothing is out there for you!
- I use both paper and digital calendars. I need the paper calendar to visualize time, but I use my digital calendar as a back-up in case I lose my paper calendar or spill something on it. I’m slightly neurotic about this and don’t really anticipate that happening, but knowing I have a backup is a major stress reliever. I’m also slightly neurotic about making sure events get written down on both my paper and digital calendars. If you don’t think you can do this accurately, just commit to ONE (either paper or digital) and master that. Be careful to not overschedule yourself. Switching tasks (like finishing one task and starting another) can take longer for people with ADHD due to prioritization, distraction, and our brains just needing a break.
- I rely on alarms and timers to help me stay on track. Have you ever heard of “time blindness”? Using timers and alarms helps me remember to do things so I can focus on the things that are most important.
- I love labels for organization. Labels help cut the decision-making process out of things like putting away groceries and laundry, and help me save time finding things like office supplies or tools.
- I use digital notes to help my memory. I have notes for blog ideas, book recommendations, gift ideas, art ideas, shopping lists, and so much more.
What tricks have you learned so that you can stay organized and productive?
Posted By Jean Prominski, Certified Professional Organizer
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